Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ace Black Workout Plan

So I woke up this morning and did 50 crunches and ran the treadmill
for a mile. I plan on getting more cardio work done around noon by
going to the gym and playing about an hour of basketball.

To get your body in shape, you don't need no quick fix. You just have
to be willing to stick to a routine and work at it. Every little bit
counts. I've been consistently working out since July last year.. Some
times I went 2 weeks without it but I've deff noticed the difference
by just having a routine. So you?? :-)

- Ace Black

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Born in Kenya | Raised in Seattle Wa. | Transformed in Phoenix Az. | With Plans of Going Back to Make a Difference in the World before Time Runs out... These blog postings are breadcrumbs that leave a path traveled and pieces of a Big Picture.